Would you buy a house, unseen, just because the real estate agent said it was a good buy? No, you’d check out its location and you’d definitely have it structurally surveyed. After all, it is a major, life-changing purchase. You shouldn’t treat your health any differently.
My recommendation is that you apply the same analytical approach to your Parkinson’s diagnosis. Before accepting the doctor’s opinion that Parkinson’s is a degenerative, incurable condition leading to severe disablement, and before commencing the recommended medication, stop and take the time to research the full picture.
I receive many emails from people feeling they’ve been deceived by their doctors who, when proposing medication, omitted to tell them that their medications:
To help you in this, in ‘About Parkinson’s, I’ve set out what lies ahead if you proceed with medication. This information is the accepted wisdom drawn from authoritative medical and Parkinson’s charity websites.
Just bear in mind, that About Parkinson’s pages are simply reporting the consequences of following the pharmaceutical route. The rest of this website is devoted to the naturopathic medicinal approach, which seeks to establish the causes and then take restorative actions.
The Stages of Parkinson’s
By following the conventional medical approach, you can expect to go through what healthcare professionals call the different stages of Parkinson’s. These are set out below.
Before you go there though, bear in mind that there are people who have elected to take responsibility for their Parkinson’s, pursued naturopathic medicine therapies and are living well with controllable symptoms.
In the meantime, their peers, who have followed the route recommended by their medical doctor, have rapidly gone through the first two stages and have reached or are approaching the Advanced Stage.